Page update: 01 January 1970

First Investment Bank

Corporate Status
First Investment Bank is a joint-stock company, registered with Sofia City Court pursuant to a ruling dated 8 October 1993.

The Bank owns a full banking licence for domestic and international operations.

First Investment Bank is a licensed primary dealer in government securities and a licensed investment intermediary.

Participation and Membership:
- Association of Commercial Banks in Bulgaria;
- Bulgarian Stock Exchange;
- Central Depository;
- Bank Organisation for Servicing Payments by Bank Cards (BORICA);
- Bankservice;
- Real-Time Gross Settlement System (RINGS);
- MasterCard International;
- VISA International;
- S.W.I.F.T.;
- MoneyGram Agent;
- Express-M (domestic money transfers) Agent;
- EasyPay (domestic money transfers) Agent.

First Investment Bank owns three subsidiaries:

First Investment Finance B.V. (the Netherlands) - a special purpose entity, fully-owned by FIBank.

Diners Club Bulgaria AD - the representative in Bulgaria of Diners Club International, issuer of credit cards and payment processor. The Bank owns 80% of the company's capital.

First Investment Bank - Albania Sh.a. (Albania) - a company established in April 2006 and currently in the process of obtaining a licence for banking activity in the Republic of Albania.

Market Position
- Among the leading banks in international payments and trade financå;
- Among the leading banks in the cards business;
- Second in number of ATMs;
- Third in number of POS terminals;
- Third in terms of lending to corporate clients;
- Fifth in terms of assets;
- Fifth in terms of mortgage lending to individuals;
- Sixth in terms of deposits from corporate clients and individuals.

Market Share
- 13% of cross-border transactions (sent and received) instruments for trade financing;
- 7.5% of banks' assets in Bulgaria;
- 7.7% of lending to business and individuals;
- 4.7% of consumer lending;
- 6.7% of mortgage lending;
- 6.0% of deposits from non-financial institutions and individuals;
- 14.7% of ATMs;
- 14.0% of POS terminals.

Note: The market positions and shares are based on data by BNB, BORICA and SWIFT.

Correspondent Relations
FIBank maintains correspondent relationships with over 500 banks all over the world. It is one of the leading banks in terms of international payments and trade financing.

Branch Network
As at 31 December 2006, FIBank had a total of 107 branches and offices: the head office, 102 branches and offices covering the territory of Bulgaria, two branches abroad (in Cyprus and Tirana) and two offices (in Tirana and Durr¸s).

Address: 1797 Sofia, 37, Dragan Tzankov Blvd.
phones: (+359 2) 817 1100, (+359 2) 817 1101

Head office: 1000 Sofia, 10, Stefan Karadzha St.
phones: (+359 2) 91 001, (+359 2) 91 001 00

Telephone number for information*: 0800 11 011
fax: (+359 2) 980 5033


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