Cabernet Sauvignon
This variety comes from France and is considered to be the most prestigious variety for the production of red wines. It is cultivated in all vine-growing and wine-producing countries and it occupies around 10% of the world vine plantations. It is one of the five varieties of Bordeau wines and it prevails over some micro regions - Grav and Medock. The wines produced from Cabernet Sauvignon in California, Chili, Australia and New Zealand are extremely popular. In Bulgaria this variety is the most widespread one for the production of red wines. The bunch is very small (9.7/6.5 cm), cylindrical-conical, sometimes winged and compact. The grape is very small (11.7/11.8 mm), round and juicy. The skin is thick, tough, and dark-blue to bluish-black with a waxen bloom.
It is a middle-ripening variety - it ripens in September: in hotter regions - at the beginning, and in colder regions - at the end of the month. Its fertility is very good. The low average weight of the bunch is the reason why the vines should be loaded more, in correlation to the particular soil and the climate of the region. Cabernet Sauvignon is resilient to ordinary decay. Deep, humid soils are the most appropriate ones for it although it is comparatively drought-resistant. It has good affinity to rootstocks Shasla x Berlandieri 41 B, Cober 5BB and SO4. In Bulgaria this variety completely develops its technological qualities - sugar 21-24%, comparatively high acidity 6.5-9g/dm3, a very good content of colouring substance and extract.
The wines are characterized by an intense flavour of small red fruits - namely black currants, blackberry and mulberry, intense dark red colour and good density. When the wine matures in oak barrels, it develops a rich, complex flavour in which spices, oak nuances and smoke are to be found. The older wines have chocolate and cinnamon flavour. The taste is dense, juicy and harmonious. The wines reveal their maximum qualities usually after 3 to 5 year of maturity.