Page update: 01 January 2000


Devin is a renowned spa and holiday resort. It is situated amid scenic hills in the heart of the Rhodopes at an altitude of 710 - 780 m. In early antiquity the place was inhabited by the Thracian tribe of the Bessi, and later by the Romans.

Devin has several mineral water springs with a temperature between 37 and 44C. The water is clear, colourless, palatable, odourless, hyper- and homeo-thermal, mildly mineralized, and contains hydrocarbonates of sodium and small quantities of fluorine. It has a strong alkaline reaction (pH 9.4). The total usable flow is 1,800 l/min. The curative properties of Devin's mineral waters are due to their considerable mineralization, the relatively high content of metasilicic acid and fluorine, mild acidity and high temperature.

The climate of the spa is transitionally continental, considerably tempered by the southern influence. The average annual temperature is 10.5C. The winter is mild; the summer, warm and fresh thanks to the local mountain breezes. The autumn is warm and long. The average January temperature is -1.5C. The average annual duration of sunshine is about 1,100 hours. Devin has a new modern hydrotherapy clinic with a resort polyclinic and a pool; juniper, carbonic acid and oxygen baths; facilities for hydrotherapy, modern light and electrotherapy, diagnosis, remedial gymnastics and massage rooms.

Devin is suitable for the spa and climatic treatment of a wide range of diseases: of the locomotor system, cardiovascular diseases and nervous disorders. The internationally famous year-round resort Pamporovo is situated 35 km away from Devin.