Page update: 01 January 2000

Special Tours

Bulgaria is a country which offers interesting possibilities for enthusiastsof the "special interest holidays" formula. Combining your holiday with yourfavorite hobby could turn into the unforgettable experience of a lifetime.Bulgaria offers all the necessary conditions for an untraditional ruralvacation - old Bulgarian towns, monasteries and difirent kinds of museums, thracian treasures and icon-painting, dozens of picturesque large and smallsettlements, fine old homes with an unspoilt rural environment andtraditional lifestyle, adjoining yards with domestic animals and gardens,ecologically clean regions and pastoral landscape, well-organized welcomeand services for guests with typical Bulgarian hospitality, traditionalcuisine and, above all - a unique blend of natural scenery with history,folklore, national arts and crafts, colourful festivals and customs.

Related Links to Special Tours