The Thracian Vault Nearby Sveshtari (Sveshtari Tomb)
The vault is a unique monument of the Thracian Hellenistic art, dating as far back as the first half of the third century B.C. It was discovered at the archeological excavations of a Thracian mound nearby the village of Sveshtari in 1982. It comprises a passageway and 3 almost square chambers, covered by semicircular vaults. In the central chamber 2 stone beds are to be seen and above the embossed ornaments, one could admire a scene of religious character, reproducing the act of deification of a distinguished Thracian. The funeral ritual, as well as the construction, architecture and ornaments evidence that a Thracian ruler has been buried there. The vault nearby Sveshtari is a memorable monument of significant historical and cultural importance and it attests to the Thracians' great contribution to the world's cultural heritage. It is situated 34 km away from Razgrad.
The Thracian Vault Nearby Sveshtari is cultural and nature monuments of UNESCO.