Page update: 01 January 2000

Rajishka Cave

The Rajishka cave (located near to station Lakatnik) is also known as the Upper, or the Dry one. This is because the wide anteroom of the cave is really dry. But after 24 meters the cave makes a turn to the west and there begins its moist section. The west section is not longer than 30 meters, and then after the cave makes another turn but this time to the north. This is the section from which you can enjoy the old wall formations. The walls are very devastated but they are very beautiful, covered with smoke from the torches. The cave in this part is about 15 meters high.

The biggest part of the stalactite formations is at the walls, not at the vault arch. The explorers think that this it the result of the wide cracks. After 180 meters the cave makes another turn to the west and after 5 meters again to the north. This part of the cave is more wide and high. Near to the 270 th meter there are incredible, but unfortunately destroyed wall "buds", twinges and crystal roses. Here is and the small Spring. In front of it there are enormous blocks which plug up the gallery. At the beginning some will think that this is the end of the gallery. But about 20 meters before this blocks, you can get to the Tavana ( the Ceiling). After many years of exploring, unfortunately there weren`t discovered another galleries. At the about 281st meter there was a collapse. The Rajishka cave is the easiest accessible cave, but it is still very interesting not only for the zoologists but also and for the archeologists. There are about 32 species of animals. There are different species of bats in the cave, sometimes about 200 - 300. After archeological findings the specialists can say that the people from the Iron Period lived here.