Page update: 01 January 2000

Eco-path" Krushuna"

National park KrushunaThere is an eco-path established near the village of Krushuna, near to the town of Lovech. It goes to the Devetashko plateau and passes by a marvelous waterfall. Its foamy waters jump over stair beds and spill down. The path runs through a thick of plants and passes low above the rapids.

For examination of the underground karst The Bulgarian Federation of Subsurface Work organizes international expedition "Drouzhba - 78 - Krushuna", which gave esteemed contribution to examination of the cave system in the village area. It is ascertained the separation had been based on the binding process by underground karst swelling through independent caves and cave galleries.

Besides the cave "Vodopada" and "Boninska" cave, the bindings determined by the expedition had been supposed to belong to the Krushun cave system as well as the caves "Gornik" and "Turksta cherkva".

There is no cave for now in Krushuna. The area called "Maarata" is so beautiful at the waterfall that it is time this country area to be urbanized and prepared for tourist sightseeing there. As only one cave is provided with utilities The Krushuna cave has the possibilities to be the second one.

In 1976-1977 in the southeastern part of the village Krushina was discovered mineral water with characteristics: flow 16,5 l/sec and temperature 58 C, mineralization 11,5 %. The mineral water composition is : flourine - 4 mg, chlorine - 5039.7, bromine - 16.2, iodine - 2.7, sulphates - 2053.4 , hydrocarbonate - 189.1, hydrophosphates - traces, ammonium - 14.4 , sodium - 3028.3, potassium - 75, magnesium - 228.8, metasilicon acid - 37.4, metaboron acid - 9.6, calcium - 705.8.

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